Hmm. Well since I write e-books, maybe I should talk about them.
Or maybe more about the silly e-books readers coming out. I never claimed to be a techno-junkie, but I'm beginning to think I am. I just ordered one of the rediculously overpriced Kindles. Why? Because all my books are available in Kindle editions. But of course, nothing with Amazon goes smoothly.
I found out they sent my new Kindle to an address that doesn't exist any more. EEEKKK!!!
Nothing like throwing nearly $400 in a an empty lot. But I got an actual person on the Kindle "Call me right now!" help line. She says she got it fixed. We'll see if FedEX shows up in the right place tomorrow. I'm not taking any bets on it.
I've had at least one of nearly every model of e-book issued ( in the US) since 1996?(I think) We'll see how this latest one stacks up.
Stay tuned birds of a feather- the e-skies may get crowded before long.