Tuesday, November 1, 2011

National Write a Novel in Month Challenge

Well, I've committed to try this challenge again. Not the full challenge-- too much to do, but at least 500 words a day. That's nearly 15,000 words. that's a bunch. But, I've started out well. I've written 1,300 new words this evening. A short memoir of a scene in my childhood. I think I will see how many of these scenes I can produce this month. At one a day, that's almost novella length, or a short e-book I could self-publish? Maybe. I'll have to see.

Stay tuned!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Death, Taxes and Writing- Can't avoid 'em

And so I write. I've lost another friend today. That makes three this week. I know now why my mom got so depressed her last few winters. She lost many, many friends. I guess I'm beginning that cycle and I really don't like it one bit.

What did I do to cheer myself up? I completed my state sales tax report for my business sales in 2010. Hey, hows that for a cheery activity during an eight inch snowstorm? GRRR! Leave it to the state to complicate what should be a very straightforward exercise. But it's DONE! On Time!

But that process made me do a mental evaluation of my business, my writing and why I still do it, after fifteen years of banging my head on the wall, so to speak. Yes, I have several novels published. But my non-fiction work is easier to sell, and brings in more in the short term. So why write the long stuff? Evidently, that retorical question slipped out loud. Hubby glanced up, gave me his teacher-look over his glasses and said "Because you enjoy it."

I sighed, nodded and went back to my taxes. He knows me well and he's right. I do enjoy creating worlds and sharing the stories and characters that run uninhibited through my brain. He knows they wake me up at night, banging on the inside of my skull. They inisist I write them down, so I don't forget them and their story when I wake. That would still happen, even if I stopped writing tomorrow.

I guess I won't. I do like sleeping. So I'll keep writing. Emile, the hero in the third book of my Regency trilogy, has a very heavy cane and a very interesting story. He'd never let me rest.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Chat with the Children

Every writer needs a bit of inspiration from time to time. I'm no exception. I spent the afternoon with an amazing group of young writers Thursday afternoon. We talked about good beginnings, no sagging middles, and ending with feelings. All very important parts of any story. The inspiring part? These were kindergarteners at a local school. The oldest in the room was 5 1/2 years old.
Their teacher is a good friend. I took my current manuscript to show them how much work I have to do to research and edit and revise. The teacher reinforced and reminded them that they did all the same things. Then we broke up into small groups and I listened to several children's stories (phonetically written to be sure, but it was all theirs). Not only did they write the stories, they created covers, illustrations and the backpage with the feelings. They were so excited to write. They were anxious and eager to share with me. That's the feeling I take away. We a need to maintain that excitement, that eagerness to share with our readers. Leave it to the children to cut to the chase. They will remind you why you started writing in the first place. You have a story to share with others. Hugs,

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

New Year, New Ideas, New Book

Well, I've resolved to do better this year. My publisher is insisting all of his authors either have a website or a blog. Hmm. I can't even imagine fooling with a web site, so here we are. I have a blog. I will admit it's been pretty sketchy so far, thus the resolution to do better.

I'm going to broaden my horizons this year. Instead of focusing on e-books, I'm going to try to just write about the creative process of writing as I go through it.

Sloughing through the everyday business of writing; trying to put another word on the paper of an unfinished manuscript. Nursing a tiny spark of an idea into the flame of a new book to be written.

We'll see how it goes. Hang in there with me. It should be and interesting year.
